RELEASE — Our client in Belleville, Ontario is proposing to construct a new four storey addition to an existing single (1) storey Long Term Care (LTC) building. Our firm is currently accepting proposals for Construction Management Services under a CCDC 5b contract. The project will occur in two phases with the first phase being construction of the new addition and the second phase the interior alteration to the existing building. At completion of the project the facility will have a capacity of 160 LTC beds. Note that the existing building will be operational throughout the new construction process, and safety and protection of the residents will be paramount. In addition, the project is family-owned and managed by a private independent LTC operator.
The estimated construction contract value is $30 million with an anticipated construction start date of early Spring 2023. In order to meet the Ministry of Long-Term Care (MLTC) additional funding requirements, the construction must commence by no later than August 2023. In terms of approval processes, the MLTC has approved the tender package and as such the formal tender of subtrades (through the Construction Manager) will occur asap. Note that the building permit application review and site plan approval are well advanced and are in keeping with the proposed construction date. Construction is currently estimated at 20 months for Phase 1 and 6 months for Phase 2 for a total completion time of 26 months.
Criteria used to assess the qualification of proponents will include the following: experience in projects of this size and type, construction experience in the Belleville area or nearby municipalities, bonding rates and capacity, proven experience with meeting schedules, experience with LTC buildings, experience in working within an existing site with tight constraints, coordination of trades, management of project contract administration, fairness in costing and experience with local trades, documentation, overall organization and reputation, annual construction volume, and proven record in cost analysis and budget control. Note that previous experience working with the Owner and knowledge of the site will also be a consideration in the evaluation.
The Owner reserves the right to select the Construction Manager deemed best qualified for this project and not necessarily the lowest bidder. The Owner may also elect not to proceed with Construction Management project delivery option (CCDC 5b) and may convert to a fixed price CCDC 2 contract post-tender. In addition, the Owner reserves the right to purchase equipment for the project directly where permitted by MLTC procurement guidelines.
Requirements for the bid evaluation will include: Company letterhead and C.V. outlining the criteria noted above, a completed CCDC 11 Contractors Qualification Statement, a covering letter with bonding rates, a list of relevant LTC buildings and experience with MLTC guidelines for occupancy, Construction Management fee expressed as a percentage of construction value (excluding HST) and inclusive of General Conditions. A copy of the architectural drawing package proposed project sequencing (phase 1 and Phase 2 ) and bid form will be provided by e-mail request to OCA Architects Inc. The closing date for the submission will be 2:00:00 p.m., January 27, 2023.
Correspondence will by via e-mail only and no phone call communications will be accepted. Note that sub-trades are not being reviewed at this time. Please contact M. Scott Schumacher, Partner, OCA Architects at [email protected] for information.
Release | image (Westgate Lodge LTC rendering): O.C.A. Architects Inc.